the Shore-Line Trail

The Shore-line Trail was initiated from a series of studies and public consultations lead by The Southeast Regional Service Commission starting in 2016. The project’s objective was to inventory recreation assets as they were dispursed across the regiona and to identify gaps community needs and opportunities for future investments in Southeastern New Brunswick. The Shore-line trail project is governed by Plan 360, the newly created South-East Regional Commission and the board of directors includes all the mayors in the region. The project is managed by a Regional Trails Coordinator.

One of the major outcomes was the consensus of all the region’s municipal leaders that a Greenway/Non-motorized trail was an ideal infrastructure development which would offer the maximum return on investments and be accessible to the widest array of people of all ages and physical fitness.

With low maintenance cost and spanning through multiple communities, greenway trails are ideal to promote physical activity and connect people. Providing a safe way of transportation this will contribute to the quality of life for all the community that lives along its path. It will connect neighbours and give them direct access to nature and commodities in the region while keeping them safe. 

In addition, the 170 km trail will become an important destination for the ever-increasing cyclo-tourism enthusiasts in North America and the world. With tourists comes economic growth for all local businesses and attractions in the region.

The next development phase of this important project will begin in the Cap-Acadie municipality and once completed will connect to the town of Alma in Albert County. The Shore-line Trail will become the major artery to which a multitude of attaching trails which will further connect the communities and people of Southeastern New Brunswick.